Friday, December 27, 2013

No bugs for Blixen?

Out of Africa has been my favorite movie for years (the only problem I could see with it is that Robert Redford pretty much plays himself, rather than Denis Finch-Hatton).  But then I moved to Africa.  And I realized Redford wasn't the only unbelievable part of that movie.  Meryl Streep only kills one bug in the entire movie, and that's when she is camping in the bush.  That's not the Africa I know:( 

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Gonna tell it like it is, folks...

Okay, I've been in East Africa for 16 months now; and at my current location of service for 1 year.  I've been really crappy at writing anything in the way of newsletters, because most of the stuff I think is really good newsletter material would be rejected, or at least strongly discouraged by my sending mission agency.  In all honesty, crazy stuff happens here.  Me getting a little down happens here.  Things that make me want to scream happen here.  And let's face it, I'm not the perfect missionary.  In fact, I'm pretty far from it.  But I do want to be 'real'.   As a result, the things I've attempted to write for a newsletter are more than likely inappropriate.  So, I've created this blog.  I will give you a very general overview of who I am, but in order to not upset the apple cart that is perfect missionarydom, I won't mention my name or my sending agency.  You can just call me Wayward...'cause that's how God knows me.